Watch a large portion of the show HERE.
Ted Olson and David Boies, the attorneys leading the federal challenge to Proposition 8 in California, submitted a 294-page document on Friday as part of final filings in the case.
Said Chad Griffin, Board President of the American Foundation for Equal Rights: "This 294-page filing is only a summary of the overwhelming evidence against Proposition 8. The evidence proves beyond a doubt that Proposition 8, which separates Americans into unequal groups, violates the U.S. Constitution and causes incredible harm to individuals and our nation as a whole."
The document submitted to Judge Vaughn Walker by Olson and Boies is available here.
The San Francisco Chronicle summed up the filings from both sides.
The AP reports: "In papers filed late Friday, lawyers for the sponsors of California's gay marriage ban offered new twists on their claim that allowing gay men and lesbians to wed could undermine man-woman unions.The potential harms they cited included giving bisexuals a legal basis for pursuing group marriages and unmarried fathers an incentive to abandon their children.Lawyers for gay marriage supporters argued that no evidence existed to back those claims.Walker plans to schedule closing arguments in the case sometime soon."
A Bill Moyers Journal special on the Prop 8 challenge aired on Friday night.
Paul Katami, one of the plaintiffs in the Prop 8 case, wrote on his Facebook page of the Moyers special: "A MUST WATCH about our case. It's the best 45 minutes that will explain and deliver what we are doing and why."
Watch a preview, AFTER THE JUMP…