Robert Ross, President and CEO of The California Endowment, offers an interesting essay at HuffingtonPost on a community-based nonprofits called Holy Family Adoption Services in L.A.:
"For most of its organizational life, Holy Family Adoption Services operated in partnership with the Catholic Archdiocese in Los Angeles. It had the financial and in-kind support from the church as well as the support of many generous Catholic individuals and foundations—until it became known that the Holy Family Adoption Services staff placed a handful of the thousands of children it cared for with same-sex couples. The State of California prohibits discriminating against same-sex couples in adoption placement and Holy Family Adoption Services was abiding by that state law.
"In 2007, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles made it clear that Holy Family would have to stop placing children with same-sex couples. Instead of giving in, the Holy Family Adoption Services board of directors ultimately decided that nothing was more important than providing loving and supportive homes for at-risk infants and children and that no otherwise qualified home should be closed to these children simply because of the gender and sexual orientation of the family members within it."
The agency received some help but needs more. Its story is a perfect example of how many people who feel they're concerned about children are really much more concerned about ideology—to the point where they'd rather see the children go parentless than be raised by same-sex parents.