Jennifer Roback Mors (above) and Pastor Jim Garlow — two spokespeople for California's Proposition 8 campaign who “remain highly connected to America's ‘protect marriage' movement” — have spoken at a Singapore conference whose head is fighting to keep a law criminalizing homosexuality with two years imprisonment.
Jeremy Hooper from Good As You writes:
The head of Love, Pastor Lawrence Khong, is the most vocal anti-gay activist in the nation… Khong wrote:
We see a looming threat to this basic building block by homosexual activists seeking to repeal Section 377A of the Penal Code.
Examples from around the world have shown that the repeal of similar laws have led to negative social changes, especially the breakdown of the family as a basic building block and foundation of the society. It takes away the rights of parents over what their children are taught in schools, especially sex education. It attacks religious freedom and eventually denies free speech to those who, because of their moral convictions, uphold a different view from that championed by increasingly aggressive homosexual activists…
Jennifer Roback Morse is the President and Founder of the Ruth Institute, an offshoot of the anti-gay National Organization of Marriage. In the past she has compared gay parenting to slavery, lied to the Rhode Island legislature about the “dangers” of marriage equality and gone on a quixotic one-woman quest to reclaim the rainbow back from the gays.
Jim Garlow, in contrast, once held a “gay marriage summit” at a San Diego megachurch in order to show that pro and anti-marriage proponents can disagree civilly.