Earlier this month, NBC's Phoenix affiliate Channel 12 News had a “heart to heart” with one of Arizona's leading anti-LGBT culture warriors – Cathy Herrod, the president of the Center for Arizona Policy.
Herrod, who was the architect behind Arizona's proposed license-to-discriminate bill that made headlines earlier this year, spoke at length about her anti-gay, pro-discrimination policy positions – all while keeping a softspoken, almost “grandmotherly” demeanor….which somehow makes her even more of a creep than she already is.
Listen to her spout b.s. about the “social science” on gay relationships:
The social science data shows that marriage between a man and a woman is still the best family unit for men, women and children. This is never aimed at any individual, but it's aimed at what's the best public policy.
And why she thinks its a-okay for religious folks to turn away LGBT customers:
Should the photographer or the baker be able to have the freedom to practice their religious beliefs in their businesses and not be compelled by the government to participate, for example, in a same-sex wedding ceremony that goes against their conscious? This is people of faith and no faith and that's not trying to shove religion down someone's throad, its simply saying ‘Let me live my life according to my faith'”
Watch the full interview, AFTER THE JUMP…(warning: autoplay)