Jake Maskall, an actor on the popular Brit soap EastEnders, has announced to Now magazine that he is gay and lives with his boyfriend in north London. “I’m gay and I’ve been with my boyfriend for 12 years. It’s not a secret. But my relationship’s part of my private life and I hope everyone respects my privacy.”
Now when’s an American actor going to come out with the same nonchalance?
Meanwhile, The Amazing Race 6‘s Adam (with the devil horns) says he’s not gay. “And you know, I do work at a predominantly gay gym and a lot of my clients are gay. I do wear tights, I’m an aerobics teacher, and I don’t mind being sensitive. Again, it doesn’t bother me at all — that’s just me. I wish the country could see me teach a spinning class, because a lot of people would quickly change their minds.”