Fred Phelps’ gang of haters headed to New Hampshire to picket school’s graduation because of its gay/straight alliance. The school reportedly has one openly gay student. Phelps: “I just want to preach this message: God hates you.”
The NY Daily News’ Lloyd Grove comments (scroll to bottom) that it’s obvious Six Feet Under‘s Michael C. Hall is straight because he watches basketball and is married to a woman. Hmm. Well, I know plenty of gay men who watch basketball and quite a few that have been married to women. What gives Hall’s heterosexuality away for me is that he compares the feeling of hunky Mathew St. Patrick’s moustache to the velcro on a Trapper Keeper. I can hardly think of anything less sexualized than that.
U.S. District Judge finds Nebraska’s amendment prohibiting same-sex marriage and civil unions to be unconstitutional.