A 17-year-old accused in the murder of a Manhattan masseur hanged himself in a courtroom holding cell over the weekend. Jose Tavares had been charged with second-degree murder in the killing of Schlomy Rejwan. Tavares' stepfather had told authorities that the teen was “just a witness…in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
A new gay-straight alliance in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho is being met with a fierce barrage of bigoted ignorance. A group called the Constitution Party of Idaho says that the club, which intends to provide “a safe and tolerant atmosphere” for gay high school students, is “a breeding ground for pedophiles.” Now if that kind of misinformed stupidity not an argument for exactly why this club is necessary, I don't know what is…
Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams soaked with high-powered water guns at Aussie Brokeback premiere. Photographers say it was because Ledger once spit on them.
Why were the Alito hearings such a depressing event? Crooks and Liars offers up three reasons: the total impotence of Democrat Senators; so-called “Libertarians” who offer up blind loyalty to a Bush agenda; potent and obvious weapons the Democrats could have used but did not.