Bareback Mountain: You knew the Brokeback porn imitators would arrive sooner or later. Unfortunately, it’s sooner.
First metrosexual revealed. Earlier this month I shared with you news of the Clonycavan bog man, who was found well-preserved for 2,300 years after being subjected to the horrific brutalities of the iron age (tied down, tortured, and slain in a ritual sacrifice). What researchers have noted, however, is the evident use of an ancient hair gel. They’re calling him the Iron Age David Beckham, but I’d say he more resembles Gavin Henson with that hair.
A group of 50 French mayors, calling themselves the “Mayors of Childhood”, have banded together against gay marriage, demanding they be consulted before the government enacts any laws. Limited civil unions, called PACS, have been around since 1999, but do not bestow all the rights of a married couple. The “Mayors of Childhood” claim that 36,000 other French mayors also share their view that same-sex marriage undermines traditional family values.
Bottle nosed northern whale swimming through central London.
American Idol judges up to their anti-gay tricks again, or are they just cruel to everybody?: “Effeminate male contestants often sing at their own peril. ‘I don’t mean this disrespectfully… shave off your beard and wear a dress,’ scowling judge Simon Cowell told rejected ‘Idol’ wannabe Charles Berry. Fellow judge Randy Jackson had this pointed question for Zachary Travis, another reject: ‘Are you a girl?'”
Jared Leto: Before and After