2006 Madonna tour taking shape as producer nabs promotion rights.
Ballroom Rockstar, a new urban gay men's magazine, has launched in the U.S.
Charlotte Church buys her glamour-boy boyfriend Gavin Henson “a £30,000, state-of-the art gym” for his birthday. “The 19-year-old is converting her double garage into a workout zone where the 23-year-old Wales international can pump iron.”
STUDY: Brits developing more liberal attitudes about sex. Report documents a 5% rise in same-sex encounters among men.
Gay and straight couples renewed their vows in Virginia on Sunday. Event organizers hoped to help the state “shed its fear” of same-sex marriage
Gina Genovese is first openly gay mayor in New Jersey.
Is the new Wonkette a homophobe? Queerty digs up some unsavory writings by David B. Lat, the new scribe replacing Ana Marie Cox