A look at the UK’s best known gay activist, the courageous Peter Tatchell.
“At 54, he looks and lives like a student. His body is thin. His clothes are cheap. He will not wear leather shoes, so strict a vegetarian is he. Guests report being offered carrot soup followed by carrot casserole. He has almost no money – he earns about £8,000 a year from writing and is supported by friends who fund him through a modest trust called tatchellrightsfund. He sleeps on the floor in a single bedroom, with a fire extinguisher by his mattress in case of arson attacks. It is the life of a monk.”
Cowboy hot: Wyoming braces for influx of fresh tourism.
Two memoirs by an award-winning Navajo author have been discovered to have been written by a white man named Timothy P. Barrus, whose only other known credits are in the realm of gay pornography.
Heath Ledger’s bizarre faux-flamboyant performance at SAGs falls flat. (Having just watched the DVR of the SAGs, I have no idea what Heath was doing but imho he was just goofing off)