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UNAIDS and other rights organizations condemn the recent arrest of four individuals in northern India for homosexuality, saying archaic laws need to be updated: “Criminalisation of people most at risk of HIV infection may increase stigma and discrimination, ultimately fuelling the AIDS epidemic.”
SCOTUS hearing moments: Alito has “no specific recollection” of Princeton group he joined which specifically opposed the school's admission of women and minorities. Also, unlike John Roberts, Alito refuses to say that Roe v Wade is “the settled law of the land.” Durbin goes on to further expose Alito's views on abortion.
Queerty hits up our bud Trent from Pink is the New Blog for some answers about making fun of celebrities and how he developed his signature ‘pink font on photos' style: “I worked on a creative writing piece for a Master's program where I cut out pictures from magazines and pasted them into a blank book and then wrote all around and over the pictures. That was sort of where the whole thing got started.” See, education can pay off in some unexpected ways!