Superman Returns costs soar towards $300 million.
Palm Springs wants Gay Walk of Fame to honor celebrities like Ellen DeGeneres, Greg Louganis, George Takei, and (oops!) Kevin Spacey.
Question: If a gay rights group's plans to crash the White House Easter Egg Roll are supposedly covert, then why are they all over the Internet? Soulforce News Release: “On April 17, 2006, when the White House lawn is opened to families for the Annual Easter Egg Roll, imagine if the first 1,000 families onto the lawn were LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender] families. Once America sees the White House lawn awash in LGBT families, there will be no going back.”
Spate of attacks against clubgoers has gay Dubliners worried.
The test of youth: Washington state student body will vote on whether to allow gay-straight alliance.
WB planning Beauty and the Geek spin-off featuring smart average women and dumb attractive guys. Incidentally, if you haven't caught Beauty and the Geek this season, set your DVR. It's a show with a good heart. I thought it was good last year, but they've changed it up a bit this year and it's even better.
Is Brokeback the Best Western, or is Best Western the best place to have gay sex marathons?
Advertising via satellite: Target painting store roofs in effort to attract attention on Google maps.
“Rainbow Flag Imperialism” doesn't work for Japan's gays: “People don't come out in Japan, they come in. The tendency is to find your own space. You don't need to come out to your parents or boss, it's not about how exposed you can be. It's about coming in, like joining a club. You find your own niche. That's what mainstream Japan is like with sexuality.”
STUDY: Men with cardiovascular problems run greater risk of optic nerve damage when using Viagra or Cialis.
Absolut to end long-running bottle-inspired ad campaign. 25 years, 1500 images, plenty of hangovers.