Andy Warhol spotted in Shreveport. Find out who it really is here.
Action Wisconsin wins “frivolous lawsuit” brought by homophobic Louisiana pastor who claimed the group defamed him by saying remarks he made at a 2003 Milwaukee conference advocated the murder of gays. You be the judge: “In his speech, Storms said gay rights’ opponents should –quote– ‘start taking it to the streets.’ He mimicked gun fire: –saying, quote– “Boom, boom, boom, boom. There’s twenty! Ca-ching.'”
Gay marriage ban advances in Virginia. Richmond citizen: “This is going to change the way gay people are treated for the rest of my lifetime.”
So far, gay issues largely absent from Alito hearings: “Only two senators – Charles Schumer (D-New York) and Sam Brownback (R-Kansas) – acknowledged a gay specific case in the first two days of the hearing. Both referred to the 1985 Bowers v. Hardwick decision, upholding sodomy laws, and the 2003 decision in Lawrence v. Texas, which overturned Bowers. But neither asked Alito a question concerning the cases.”
POPE to Italian politicians: “Marriage…not a ‘casual, sociological entity’ but ‘a question of the correct relationship between a man and a woman.'”
Indianapolis mayor Bart Peterson signs city law banning discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workplace and in housing.
REPORT: Diana biographer Andrew Morton working on Tom Cruise book. The writer was allegedly overheard in Toronto “complaining that, compared to the Church of Scientology, reporting on ‘the Royal Family was a walk in Hyde Park.'”