Bush names anti-gay Baptist minister to Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS.
Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was shocked when a news reporter asked him if he was “the gay governor”. What he didn’t know was that the reporter, Jason Jones, was from The Daily Show. Jones was interviewing Blagojevich about his executive order requiring pharmacies to fill prescriptions for emergency birth control. Jones’ questions, caught the Governor off guard and at one point he turned off camera to ask, “Is he teasing me, or is that legit?”
No room at the inn for a gay London couple. The details of this courtroom drama following a gay couple’s visit to the White Hart Hotel in rural England in which they were also locked out and threatened with a beer tap masquerading as a handgun plays out like a British episode of Judge Judy. I would have probably booked myself out of the hotel immediately if the hotelier said my boyfriend and I had to sleep in separate beds. Although it seems to me the smug hotelier at the White Hart has some kind of bigoted chip on his shoulder, the whole encounter also seems like a case of she said, she said.
Ann Coulter opened her piehole at Indiana University Thursday night, spewing her usual immature invectives, and even got in a jab at the gays. When one student (with apparent speech difficulties) stood up and asked her “if she didn’t like Democrats, wouldn’t it just be better to have a dictatorship,” Coulter replied, “You don’t want the Republicans in power, does that mean you want a dictatorship, gay boy?” The President of the College Republicans defended her: “If you are going to talk like you are gay, then Ann Coulter is going to call you gay. Of course, she said it in a spiteful tone, but it was expected.”