George Michael speaks about arrest: “It’s my own stupid fault. I was in possession of class C drugs, which is an offence, and I have no complaints about the police, who were professional throughout. P.S. I promise I won’t make a record out of this one — even though it’s tempting.”
Something has David Beckham excited. Photo.
Christian clothing company reinterprets “Brokeback Mountain” as illustration of Moses disapproving of sinners from atop Mt. Sinai where he offered the Ten Commandments. Company encourages followers to wear the mission: “Our faith in Jesus Christ needs to be taken out of our hearts and worn on the sleeves of our daily walk in life as we witness to others and take an affirmative stand in controversial issues before it is too late.”
New York real estate agent claims gay affair with Clint Eastwood’s son.
Agent Sam Kelley: “We went out, and it was late, and I ended up staying over in his hotel room. There was only one bed. And I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, and I got in bed, and Kyle was—how do I put this?— happy! I was shocked. But I’m an openly gay man. I wasn’t not going to do it.”
Whitney Biennial to present sexy spoof remake trailer of Caligula.
If you didn’t see it last week on CNN, Crooks & Liars has video up on the amazing story of Jason McElwain, the autistic high school student who served as the varsity basketball team’s manager and always wanted to get on the court and play. The coach put him in during the last four minutes of the final game of the season, and the kid became an instant hero. I wonder if the coach isn’t kicking himself for underestimating such a talent because of a perceived handicap?