ABC censors Drew Lachey Brokeback Mountain joke on Dancing with the Stars. Reps from the show refused to comment on the deletion.
How did you celebrate your last birthday? The President of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe used his as a pulpit to spew hate against gays and the West. He threatened to arrest and jail any clergy who performed same-sex marriage ceremonies in the country. He also warned his supporters of the dangers of homosexuality: “Leave whites to do that.”
They eat their own: Clay Aiken sued by Claymates. “As consumers, we feel ripped off. It is obvious now that the private Clay is very different from the manufactured, packaged public Clay who was marketed to us.”
Vietnam: After many difficulties, a center for community and awareness opens. The Hai Dang (Light House) club is Hanoi’s first gay association.
Massachusetts church containing the crypts of Presidents John Adams and John Quincy Adams to unfurl huge banner supporting same-sex marriage. Reverend: “Equality is a fundamental principle in our state constitution, which was written by John Adams. So it’s not entirely a coincidence that our congregation holds equality as a key principle. We’re the continuation of the church in which John Adams was a member.”