Boy George closed London fashion week with his B-Rude collection. Unfortunately, because he's been spending so much time in Manhattan court rooms, it appears he forgot to make any clothes.
Kidding aside (I'm sure those models are wearing something aside from a hat), he did have time to sit down for an interview with the Evening Standard.
Boy George on tolerance:
“We live in a culture that pretends to accept and understand, but which doesn't want to deal with the finer details of gay culture. Just because you have a few queers in Emmerdale, there is this myth that the world has become more tolerant. It doesn't understand us at all. I have asked a lot of straight men about Brokeback Mountain and they said they couldn't relate to it.”
On gay marriage:
“Gay unions, what is that about? I haven't been invited to any ceremonies, and I wouldn't go anyway. The idea that gay people have to mimic what obviously doesn't work for straight people any more … I think is a bit tragic. I am looking-forward to gay divorces.”
On his type:
“I always fell for straight boys. The more macho the better.”
On the cocaine charges against him:
“I'm not worried at all. I will possibly go back in March, hopefully later. Adversity can be good for you.”