Mercury expert says say no to sushi: “The level of mercury in tuna these restaurants serve is so high they should be keeping this food off their lists. Eating sushi has become the new Russian roulette.”
Ian Thorpe still not ready to get wet.
Destination dejected. A NYC cab driver gets a post-Oscar pickup: “Once the big awards show was over, a very drunk gay cowboy flagged me down. I’m not kidding. He was wearing a cowboy hat, a fringed suede jacket, and cowboy boots. He was so wasted, probably from trying to drink away the pain of losing to ‘Crash,’ that he could barely tell me where to go. I said, ‘Where to?’ He responded, ‘Down the street.’ I might’ve enjoyed having a gay cowboy in my cab, or even this city boy dressed as a gay cowboy for Oscar night, but it’s just no fun when people can’t tell me where to go. ‘Okay, which street? Do you know the address?’ He was having trouble speaking, but finally managed to slur out an intersection that made sense.” (via gawker)
Taiwan offering Brokeback Mountain travel tours: “The package includes a 9-day trip to many of the locations where the movie was filmed, including Kananaskis Country provincial parkland, Fort Macleod, Blackie and Crossfield in Alberta Province, Canada. Highlights of the NT$75,900 (US$2,340) tour include a ‘Rocky Mountain nature adventure,’ with horse-riding, visits to national parks, hot springs and glaciers, as well as a visit to Victoria on Vancouver Island.”
Check out the video for Morrissey’s new single. I’m glad he’s carrying on the Moz tradition of uplifting song titles. His latest: “You Have Killed Me.”
Life after Martha: Former stockbroker Peter Bacanovic is splitting his time as a “walker” for older Hollywood women and as creative director for Judith Leiber handbags.
The perils of the “Brokeback Marriage”. A situation “Constance Wilde, Phyllis Gates, Linda Porter, Renata Blauel and Dina Matos McGreevey, wed respectively to Oscar Wilde, Rock Hudson, Cole Porter, Elton John and James E. McGreevey, the former governor of New Jersey,” know all too well. Social worker Joe Kort: “These men genuinely love their wives. They fall in love with their wives, they have children, they’re on a chemical, romantic high, and then after about seven years, the high falls away and their gay identity starts emerging. They don’t mean any harm.”
Hotelier Jeff Klein’s revamp of the deco Argyle Hotel on Sunset Boulevard, now the Sunset Tower hotel, called “half-baked.”