John McCain flip-flop on Federal Marriage Amendment in lead-up to commencement address at Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University: “Christian conservatives, including Falwell, are concerned about efforts by homosexual groups to have civil unions between same-sex partners recognized as marriages. McCain previously has said the matter of defining marriage should be handled by state legislatures, but now concedes that a federal statute may be necessary, Falwell said.”
White House spends taxpayer $$ to glean cocaine from the Potomac.
Extra: A Streetcar Named Desire is set to be released at the beginning of May, and contains a recently discovered screen test that Marlon Brando took for James Dean’s seminal role in Rebel Without a Cause: “The audition took place in 1947, when the 23 year-old Brando was playing Stanley Kowalski in a Broadway production of the Tennessee Williams play. In the event, it is believed that Brando turned down the role, possibly because he was unwilling to sign up to a seven year studio contract. He eventually made his film debut in 1950, when he starred as a disabled former soldier in The Men.”
Flip Benham, the head of a wingnut group in Charlotte, North Carolina is loudly claiming victory in stopping Gay Pride from happening when there is no victory to claim. Director of Charlotte LGBT Org.: “I know (Benham) is taking credit for the ‘downfall’ of Charlotte Pride. But the reason why Charlotte Pride is not happening at the time planned and in Marshall Park is because the former organizers decided, for whatever reason, that they just don’t have the time or energy to do it this year.”
Woman fined $100 for bumper sticker: “I’m Tired Of All The BUSHit!”