Three major gay rights groups (The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, GLAAD, and Freedom to Marry) have united to spend $250,000 on full page newspaper ads in 50 papers across the country that will declare their determination to continue fighting for marriage rights for gay and lesbian Americans.
According to the Associated Press, “The ads feature photographs of five same-sex couples who have been together as long as 53 years and are endorsed by an array of organizations and individuals, including 11 religious leaders and nine mayors.
The judge said it was imminent and she spoke correctly. On Wednesday, the Washington State Supreme Court says it will hand down its long-awaited decision on a case in which 19 gay and lesbian couples challenged the state's same-sex marriage ban:
“In arguments before the Supreme Court in March 2005, plaintiffs' attorneys argued that the gay marriage ban violates a constitutional prohibition against granting privileges to one group of citizens and not another. They also argued the gay marriage ban violates the state's Equal Rights Amendment. Attorneys defending the marriage law said the state has a rational reason for limiting marriage to heterosexual couples, because the state has an interest in regulating relationships that produce children.”
The decision is expected to be posted online early tomorrow morning.