Damien Hirst’s seminal artwork “The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living” has been reincarnated with a new 13-foot Tiger Shark:
“Mr. Hirst acknowledges that once the shark is replaced, art historians will argue that the piece cannot be considered the same artwork. ‘It’s a big dilemma,’ he said. ‘Artists and conservators have different opinions about what’s important: the original artwork or the original intention. I come from a Conceptual art background, so I think it should be the intention. It’s the same piece. But the jury will be out for a long time to come.'”
Although I have always had questions about whether Hirst’s work is humane, there’s no doubt here that the preservation process is fascinating.
Swimming with Famous Dead Sharks [nyt]
Elizabeth Taylor Swims with Sharks, Retains Glamour [tr]