As the Democratic National Convention nears, the question is beginning to arise as to how Hillary Clinton will have her voice heard, and at a recent California fundraiser she suggested that she's considering putting her name into nomination.
Said Clinton: “It's as old as, you know, Greek drama. There is a catharsis. I mean everybody comes and they want to yell and scream and have their opportunity, and I think that's all to the good.”
New York mag has a round-up of pundits with their thoughts on the issue…
Politico's Ben Smith reports that he received an email from the Clinton and Obama campaigns trying to dampen news of any conflict between them: “We are working together to make sure the fall campaign and the convention are a success. At the Democratic Convention, we will ensure that the voices of everyone who participated in this historic process are respected and our party will be fully unified heading into the November election.”
Watch the clip, AFTER THE JUMP…