Chad Michael Morrisette, a West Hollywood resident, and his partner are under fire for a Halloween display that depicts Sarah Palin hanging from a noose and John McCain emerging from flames out of a chimney. Of course Drudge is breathlessly flaunting it in red headlines.
Said Morrisette: “We see people stopping and taking pictures, and the tour buses are stopping and slowing down … people reach out and take pictures…I know if we had done it with Barack Obama, people would've probably thrown things through our windows. The image of a hanged black man is a lot more intense than the image of a hanged white woman — for our country — in the history of our country…It should be seen as art and it should be seen within the month of October. It is Halloween. It's time to be scary. It's time to be spooky.”
As much as I despise the GOP ticket, mimicking the hate and racist imagery that McCain supporters have been flaunting with regard to Obama isn't funny or original. It's just stooping to their level.