Here's the latest in the Prop 8 battle:
“Kate Kendall, executive director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, said 3 million to 4 million ballots remain uncounted statewide. ‘The fact is depending on the turnout model we are looking at millions of votes yet to be counted,' Kendall said. ‘The race is too close to call. People's fundamental rights hang in the balance.' Secretary of State Debra Bowen is expected to issue an estimate of the number of uncounted ballots late today or Thursday. It could take days to process all of them. Proposition 8 supporters declared victory early today, saying their model shows them with an insurmountable lead. Proposition 8, the most passionately debated and costliest measure on the ballot, was ahead 52 percent to 48 percent with 92 percent of precincts reporting.”
Karen Ocamb reports to us on a conference call that happened earlier this morning:
“In a hastily called conference call at around 9:00am with reporters that lasted about ten minutes – Geoff Kors and Kate Kendell said they are waiting for outstanding absentee and provisional ballots to be counted. They estimate between 3-4 million outstanding, it depends on voter turnout. LA Times has the vote at 95.4% precincts reporting – Yes = 5,163,908 or 52% of the vote to No = 4,760,336 or 48%. I asked about where those ballots are expected to fall, since last night everyone said absentee ballots tend to be older, conservative voters from smaller counties. Kate and Geoff both said that's true, but they said LATE filing absentee folks – such as themselves, tend to be progressive and new voters tend to ask for Provisional ballots. They are waiting until the Secretary of State certifies the results – maybe later today, probably tomorrow, before making further comment on what they intend to do. Kendell said ‘its going to be a bumpy ride.'”
Lawsuit planned.
And another.
This is far from over.