The anti-gay National Organization for Marriage (who are behind the hideous ad I posted earlier) have gone into high gear with an arsenal of robo-calls and campaigns across New England. This morning in Providence, Rhode Island, they held a launch for its new anti-gay campaign attended by the state's governor, WPRI reports:
"A group against gay marriage has a very prominent politician in its corner. Gov. Donald Carcieri and his wife, Sue, joined the Rhode Island Chapter of the National Organization for Marriage Wednesday morning at the State House as it launched its new media campaign.
The campaign, which supports marriage between a man and a woman, will run in several states. It's being launched just as Rhode Island's General Assembly is about to consider legislation that would allow same-sex couples married in another state get divorced in Rhode Island.
During the news conference, Carcieri called himself a 'traditionalist' and said the best upbringing for a child is in a home with a mother and father.
He said he is not anti-gay, rather he believes the issue should be decided by voters, and not by courts or legislators."