CNN's Kyra Phillips addressed "ex-gay" conversion therapy again today and had on Dr. Clinton Anderson of the American Psychological Association to counter the arguments made by her guest earlier in the week, discredited "ex-gay" crackpot Richard Cohen.
Phillips also addressed outrage over Cohen and said she's received "vicious" emails.
Said Phillips, in part (my transcript):
"Richard Cohen was not the most appropriate guest to have on, but it is a decision that we made and the result of that is our continued discussion today. That is what journalism is all about. And we will continue to do our best to discuss gay and lesbian issues in a fair way on this program. I wish that all of you knew my heart. And as a journalist with a long track record of covering gay and lesbian issues, I wish that those of you who sent me vicious emails watched my newscast more often because if they did, my guess is they would not have been so quick to send such hateful messages. They don't know my record and my unswerving support for all communities in the battle for human rights, including gays, lesbians, and transgendered individuals. And to make it perfectly clear, I love debating issues. It evokes passion but if we cannot treat each other in a civil manner, even when we disagree, then we will never move forward and have a world where all people are treated with the respect that they deserve."
Watch the whole segment, AFTER THE JUMP…
(clip via afterelton)