"Carly Fiorina believes in the right to life from the moment of conception until natural death, and opposes same-sex marriage," the "Vote Your Values" site explains. "Barbara Boxer is an outspoken advocate of both abortion and gay marriage. Latinos want to see Congress fix our dysfunctional immigration system. We are tired of promises. The Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles has proposed a common-sense, five-point plan to reform our immigration laws. Barbara Boxer says she is for immigration reform, but in all her years in office she hasn't done anything to make it happen."
The organization goes on to tout Fiorina's business and free market expertise, writing, "She will use her free market expertise and know-how in Washington to advocate for policies that lead to the creation of quality, good-paying jobs for all Americans." Funny, why don't they mention the positive impact gay marriage can have on the economy?
Fiorina's likely sweating a bit at the moment: polls put Boxer ahead by 8 points among likely voters.
The National Organization for Marriage has rolled their anti-gay agenda into California, where their latest bus tour specifically targets Latino voters they want to turn on to Republican Senate candidate Carly Fiorina, instead of Democratic incumbent Barbara Boxer.
And the group's using predictably divisive tactics to get the job done.