Margaret Cho's assertion this week that Bristol Palin's mother pressured her onto Dancing With the Stars prompted a response from Ms. Palin, one that has people wondering if the 20-year old took a jab at Cho's bisexuality.
Though insistent she and Bristol are friends, Cho wrote on her blog that “someone who should really know” told her Bristol was forced onto the hit ABC show, and asserted, “The only reason Bristol was on the show was because Sarah Palin forced her to do it.”
“Sarah supposedly blames Bristol harshly and openly (in the circles that I heard it from) for not winning the election,” Cho claimed. “And so she told Bristol she ‘owed' it to her to do DWTS so that ‘America would fall in love with her again' and make it possible for Sarah Palin to run in 2012.”
Well, Bristol responded on Facebook last night and, following Cho's suit, reiterated that the women are friends, but remains “taken aback” by the comedienne's comments.
“I will give my friend credit for creativity, and extra points for getting so many ‘facts' wrong in so few sentences,” wrote Palin. “Let me be blunt: my mom did not ‘force' me to go on DWTS. She did not ask me either. The show approached me.”
Palin goes on to declare “politics had nothing to do with [my decision].” She also argued, “I seriously doubt anyone who considers herself a student of American politics truly believes I impacted even one vote in that election.”
It's a pretty politically worded letter for a non-political person, and fairly persuasive. Bristol's end note, however, brings the entire thing back into partisan light, and it's distinctly lavender.
Writes Palin, “You say you ‘don't agree with the family's politics at all, [but] if you understood that commonsense conservative values supports the right of individuals like you, like all of us, to live our lives with less government interference and more independence, you would embrace us faster than KD Lang at an Indigo Girls concert.”
In light of Palin sister Willow's recent anti-gay remarks, it's not surprising people are reading Bristol's missive as a below-the-belt attack, although it's far too illogical to be read as a directly homophobic hit. Why would Cho embrace KD Lang at an Indigo Girls concert? Or is KD Lang just a stock lesbian?
Maybe the line was meant to be “faster than a girl embraces KD Lang at an Indigo Girls concert?” Or, rather, “Faster than KD Lang embraces a lady at an Indigo Girls Concert?”
I'm confused, and I suspect Palin may be, as well.