The Situation and Ronnie Magro get into a tussle while filming the latest season of Jersey Shore.
Old Navy to start selling gay pride t-shirts to benefit the "It Gets Better" campaign.
Scientists say they've been able to bring back the quagga, an animal extinct since 1883: "It started when a local taxidermist by the name of Reinhold Rau thought it might be feasible to rebreed the quagga using living plains zebras by choosing some of the lesser-striped ones."
Tiki Barber gets heat for Anne Frank comparison.
Courtney Love on Lady Gaga: "She surrounds herself with this coterie of gay stylists and advisers who've turned her into this weird, sexless Barbie doll."
Brad Pitt has marriage on the mind.
Canadian court refuses to reduce the sentence of gay basher whose attack on a gay man left the victim with brain damage.
A heartbreaking article about the some of the abuses the LGBT community faces in Vietnam.
Blackbeard anchor discovered off the coast off North Carolina: "New evidence about the terrifying and deadly tactics employed by Blackbeard is emerging from the diving expedition on the vessel's presumed remains. The divers have discovered that weapons used by the pirate were not only intended to kill but were designed to strike terror into survivors and force them into a swift surrender."
Colon cancer awareness billboard with the slogan "What's up your butt?" banned in Washington state."
Happy 43rd birthday, Kylie Minogue!
Police have brought hate crime charges against couple who battered and spewed anti-gay slurs at gay men in Palm Spring. One gay man lost teeth in the attack, which started over a parking spot.