Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna said he opposed marriage equality during his failed gubernatorial run, but the same can't be said for his wife, Marilyn McKenna.
Last night, as Washington officials began distributing the state's first marriage licenses for same-sex couples, the wouldbe first lady tweeted, “Marriage is a blessing, not a political issue. We do well to remember that everyone benefits when couples commit.”
She then wrote to Seattle PI: “I believe that being pro-gay marriage is completely consistent with being a Republican too. It's a matter of personal choice that the government has no right to interfere in.”
And then she went even further with follow-up email: “Both the government and the Republican Party need to get the hell out of people's bedrooms and get a life!” She seems fun!
It's worth noting that despite his opposition to marriage equality, Attorney General McKenna, an Eagle Scout, has been working to bypass the Boy Scouts of America's anti-gay policies.