The Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Southern Nevada opens its new $4 million building in Las Vegas.
Picnic ended its run on Broadway today. If you didn't see the show, this is what you missed.
An anti-gay group is criticizing the mayor of London for refusing to run ads that say “Not Gay! Ex-Gay, Post-Gay and Proud. Get over it!”
Gay men accuse London hotel of homophobia.
The future of the Catholic Church might lie in Africa: "The Catholic population in Africa grew nearly 21 percent between 2005 and 2010, far outstripping other parts of the world."
New York transgender rights bill moves forward: "Gender identity would be added to law the prohibits discrimination based on race, religion, age, sexual orientation and more in areas including housing, credit and employment."
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 sweeps the Razzies.
Liz Carmouche, UFC's first and only openly gay fighter, was defeated in that organization's first female match.
New findings in mysterious meteor shower from 1913.
Lesbian sues popular Hollywood restaurant Cleo for harassment: "The complaint also states Wilson was referred to as 'ho' and a negative word commonly used against gay people. Wilson says heterosexual employees were not subjected to such conduct."
The anti-gay Chairwoman of British Prime Minister David Cameron's local Tory association has resigned in protest of his support for marriage equality: “I left after 34 years because of David Cameron's support for gay marriage. I have no choice but to feel strongly about it as a Christian believer.