Rush Limbaugh took time out of his radio program yesterday to tear into supporters of same-sex marriage and praise the dissenting arguments presented by Justice Scalia in the DOMA case. Mediaite reports:
Limbaugh read Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's dissent in the case against the Defense of Marriage Act and praised him for identifying insults in the majority opinion directed at DOMA supporters. "It proves that we are up against people who don't give a damn about the rule of law, or about decency, or about decorum," he said.
"The Supreme Court has now demonized supporters of traditional marriage as it has been understood for thousands of years. The Supreme Court majority in its ruling actually uses language that insults and demonizes the people who support marriage as it has been since the beginning of time," he said.
He goes on to complain about how the "left is intolerant and fully invested in the low art of personal destruction through smear tactics," which is ironic considering Limbaugh's body of work.