As previously reported by Towleroad, Alec Baldwin came under fire last month after using homophobic language to threaten a reporter from the Daily Mail on Twitter. Baldwin subsequently deleted his Twitter account, explained himself in a Gothamist interview, as well as released an open apology statement to GLAAD.
Some conservative activists remain less than satisfied, and are now calling for Capital One to drop Baldwin as their spokesperson. The call comes in the wake of controversy surrounding celebrity chef Paula Deen, and the subsequent termination of her partnerships with several prominent companies. Many wonder why Baldwin was not met with similar punishment, and some note that his liberal activism may have played a role. Even CNN's Anderson Cooper was quick to point out on Twitter: "Why does #AlecBaldwin get a pass when he uses gay slurs? If a conservative talked of beating up a 'queen' they would be vilified."
John Hawkins of had this to say to
“It's still a free country and Alec Baldwin can do as much gay bashing as he likes on Twitter, but it's hard to understand why Capital One would choose to publicly condone his homophobia by keeping Baldwin on as its spokesman… If Capital One is not going to do the right thing, then Capital One doesn't deserve our business.”
GOProud co-founder Jimmy LaSalvia added:
“We urge all Americans to ask themselves, ‘What's in your wallet?' We hope they will reject Alec Baldwin's homophobia by cutting up those Capital One cards in their wallets.”
Neither Capital One nor Baldwin have issued a response to these statements.