The Indiana House voted 52-43 to approve an amendment striking the second sentence of HJR 3, the amendment to constitutionally ban same-sex marriage.
The second sentence prohibited any legal relationship that is "identical or substantially similar" to marriage.
Freedom Indiana tweets that "With the removal of the 2nd sentence, #HJR3 will likely NOT go to the ballot in November. This is a huge win for freedom & liberty!"
NUVO reported yesterday:
An amendment to HJR 3 means the constitutional amendment process would likely restart. That could postpone a possible ratification by voters from this fall to 2016.
The Indy Star adds:
If the General Assembly approves the measure as amended, civil unions would not be explicitly banned and the proposed constitutional amendment would not go to voters this November.
Rep. Randy Truitt, a West Lafayette Republican, proposed the amendment. He got support from Democrats and some GOP members, including some who voted in favor of the amendment in 2011.
So, from the way things look, this may send the whole measure back to the starting line.