On Monday, The Newton Daily News of Jasper County, Iowa fired editor Bob Eschliman (pictured) after he published a blog post accusing “the LGBTQXYZ crowd and the Gaystapo” of trying to re-write the Bible “to make their sinful nature ‘right with God.'”
In a response from Newton Daily News' owner and Shaw Media president John Rung, Rung said:
Last week, Mr. Eschliman expressed an opinion on his personal blog that in no way reflects the opinion of the Newton Daily News or Shaw Media…
There will be some who will criticize our action, and mistakenly cite Mr. Eschliman's First Amendment rights as a reason he should continue on as editor of the Newton Daily News.
As previously stated, he has a right to voice his opinion. And we have a right to select an editor who we believe best represents our company and best serves the interests of our readers.
The Newton Daily News has also publsihed readers' letter on the matter, most of them speaking against Eschliman's screed.