For one day only (June 28th), from noon to 6PM, engaged couples can request a wedding on demand from Uber. In honor of San Francisco's Pride this weekend, Uber wants to help LGBT couples get hitched using its popular car service application. Rather than requesting a traditional driver, San Franciscans can embark on “the adventure of a lifetime” by selecting “UberWEDDING” and dropping the pin wherever they would like the “ceremony” to occur.
According to Uber's website, an on-site notary will begin the process of issuing your marriage license while en route to the ceremony. Upon arrival, Uber will throw you a wedding reception complete with music, cake, champagne, and gift bags. Finally, Uber will also provide couples with honeymoons courtesy of HotelTonight and Alaska Airlines. Perhaps the most compelling part of Uber's offer is the price: absolutely nothing. The oddest part? You're getting married in a glorified cab.
Uber expects demand for the limited-time offer to be high, and encourages interested couples to bring all of the necessary paperwork for a marriage license. Should an UberWEDDING request not make it through on its first try, couples are encouraged to try again. If you're ready and willing to make the jump and don't mind leaping through a few hoops, an Uber wedding might just be in your future.