In an op-ed published in The Washington Times, National Organization for Marriage president Brian Brown goes on the attack against the Human Rights Campaign's new "Export of Hate" report exposing America's anti-gay activists (including Brown) and their work promoting bigotry abroad.
Writes Brown:
As is its custom, the Human Rights Campaign cites long-discredited and ideologically partisan sources such as the Southern Poverty Law Center to give apparent credibility to its hate-filled invective. The HRC also intentionally misrepresent facts, twisting them beyond recognition to justify the charge that somehow supporting marriage as the union of one man and one woman around the world is wrong. […]
As the Human Rights Campaign well knows, I have consistently denounced hate and violence. It is a slur and lie to claim otherwise. It should be clear to any honest observer that the truth is not what the organization is after. Instead it simply seeks to silence and intimidate those with whom it disagrees. Hence, the self-professed purpose of the report is to name and shame those who stand for the truth of the nature of marriage.
The Human Rights Campaign, as a founding member of the Council for Global Equality and partner of the George Soros-funded International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, is a key part of a network of organizations that have spent hundreds of millions of dollars worldwide attacking traditional faith communities, states and individuals who stand for the truth about marriage and family. They are in the phalanx of a new form of cultural imperialism that seeks to overthrow the traditions, wisdom and reason of cultures and faiths around the world.
Brown goes on to say that he's "proud to have played some small role" in the "emerging pro-family movment" around the globe – likely in reference to his trip to Russia last year collaborating with lawmakers on the country's gay adoption ban.
The HRC, meanwhile, is firing back in a blog post titled "Sorry We're Not Sorry, Brian Brown"
Brian Brown is one of many Americans taking the mission of anti-LGBT hate and bigotry abroad. It's time for American extremists like Brown to be called out for their actions. It is unacceptable to fight against the freedom and liberty of LGBT people worldwide. Sorry we're not sorry, Brian Brown. It is time for you, and other exporters of hate, to end the spread of bigotry and lies.
Check out the full post HERE.
Brown isn't the first anti-gay activist included in the report to make a fuss about it. Scott Lively has said that the report is "deliberately trying to incite murder against me" and Libery Council's Mat Staver has also voiced his displeasure with having his bigotry called out.