End Times fruitcake radio host Rick Wiles is worried that come the apocalypse, god will forsake America because we've become a nation of homosexuals and atheists and lesbians and God-haters”
End Times fruitcake radio host Rick Wiles is worried that come the apocalypse, god will forsake America because "we've become a nation of homosexuals and atheists and lesbians and God-haters,” reports Right Wing Watch.
Speaking on his out there radio show “Truenews”, he said that Vladimir Putin is likely to attack the U.S. because Western nations have imposed sanctions on Russia over its extreme anti-gay laws.
However, the U.S is out of luck when Putin starts World War III because the country no longer has “divine protection.”
You can also forget about praying to your “gay god” because he won't save you.
Listen to Wiles go on – and on – AFTER THE JUMP…
Wiles recently said that an ebola outbreak would be a good thing because it could help purge the U.S. of “atheism, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, pornography and abortion.” Last year, he claimed that Miley Cyrus sold her soul to Satan and had sex with a demon.