As we've been reporting, the rabidly anti-gay Catholic group Legatus found itself at the center of a controversy after activist and Good As You blogger Jeremy Hooper highlighted the extreme and disturbing views held by the organization including labeling same-sex attraction as a disorder and recommending conversion therapy. As a result, three individuals slated to headline the group's annual conference, actor Gary Sinise, Fox News anchor Bret Baier and MoltonCoors Chair Pete Coors all pulled out of the event.
At the time of Baiers' withdrawal, Fox News released a statement saying Baier "was unaware" of anti-gay articles published by Legatus' magazine or "the controversy surrounding them.”
Now, in an email addressed to hatemonger Peter La Barbera of Americans for the Truth About Homosexuality, Baier confirms that while Fox did ask him to pull out of the event, he also backed out due to his own views on sexual orientation and faith, views that for Baier are diametrically opposed to Legatus':
I pulled out of the speech at Fox's request — because of the controversy surrounding some of these articles and editorials that have been published in the Legatus magazine […]
I am a lifelong mass attending Catholic – I'm a lector at my parish. I consider myself to be in line with my Church on most things. This isn't about me.. but, describing homosexuality as a ‘disorder' and talking about ways to ‘cure' people from it – does not seem to line up with the loving, accepting Church that I know. Nor does it match up with how Pope Francis has talked about the issue recently.
I couldn't speak because of that – I don't wish the group any harm, but after Gary Sinise pulled out.. as a newsman, Fox agreed that I could not be surrounded by that controversy… as much as I would have loved to have talked about my book, my faith, and my son's battle with congenital heart disease.
That is the truth.
I hope you and others can understand. If not.. I wish you well with your viewing.
Peter LaBarbera meanwhile was none too pleased with Baier's response, blasting Fox News for "directly [financing] and [sponsoring] pro-”gay” media events that promote homosexual behavior and ideology–including same-sex 'marriage'–condemned by the Catholic Church."
[h/t Jeremy Hooper]