It was only last November that former Arkansas Governor and potential 2016 Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee argued that same-sex marriage threatens the "foundation of our society and culture." However, in his new book, God, Guns, Grits and Gravy, Huckabee states, “The claim that same-sex marriage is destroying society is actually greatly overstated." Gays are still at least partially to blame of course but, as The Washington Blade reports, so are Christians who divorce or allow divorce to go on unchecked. Huckabee writes,
“Christians who themselves abandoned the primacy of lifelong marriage to follow the divorce and remarriage customs of a secular society have as much to answer for as do those who militantly push to redefine marriage."
Huckabee notably took the Republican party to task for their tepid reaction to the Supreme Court's decision to let stand rulings striking down same-sex marriage bans rather than review them:
"If Republicans want to lose guys like me and a whole bunch of still God-fearing, Bible-believing people, go ahead and abdicate on this issue and while your at it go ahead and say abortion doesn't matter. Because at that point, you'll lose me. I'll become an independent. I'll start finding people that have guts to stand. I'm tired of this."
While some have credited Huckabee's latest comments as a sign of progress, Evan Wolfson, president of Freedom to Marry, points out all the ways that isn't true:
“Progress is the last word to come to mind when reading Huckabee's latest swirl of insinuations and anti-gay smears evoking pedophilia, repeating the empty talking-point that gay couples seeking the same freedom to marry as others are somehow trying to ‘radically redefine' marriage, and lumping inclusion in marriage with destructive forces on the family,” Wolfson said. “And that doesn't even take account of his contempt for the separation of church and state and other bedrock constitutional guarantees that keep Americans free.”
In the meantime, Huckabee continues to wait for a definitive sign from God as to whether he should run for president.