Back in December, we told you about Richmond, Virginia's new "Nobody is Born Gay" sign from "ex-gay" activist group Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX). The ad featured two identical images of model Kyle Roux in an attempt to show that people can't possibly be gay because identical twins don't always share the same sexual orientation.
Roux, who is proudly, openly gay (and not a twin), was understandably frustrated at having his image used for such a destructive purpose. "It's actually quite a big thing that there is this kind of discrimination and borderline hate speech going on, you know," he said at the time.
Now, Roux is teaming up with the progressive nonprofit Planting Peace (of Topeka's "Equality House" fame) to put a pro-gay spin on the PFOX ad, The Advocate reports:
"I'm pleased to have had the opportunity of working with Planting Peace, not in retaliation, but in promoting a strong and positive message to the LGBTQ community and in counteracting PFOX's damaging misconceptions," said Roux, the gay South African man whose stock photo was used in the PFOX billboard.
The new billboard, which mimicks the PFOX ad, is scheduled to remain up in Richmond for one month but crowdfunding efforts could keep it going indefinitely.
Check out the new ad, AFTER THE JUMP…
The Advocate adds:
"When I read the story about PFOX and their campaign, I immediately knew I had to connect with Kyle and work with him on a counter-message," said Aaron Jackson, president of Planting Peace. "Planting Peace supports and embraces the LGBT community, who are constant targets of harmful messages from groups like PFOX. We need to do all we can to make sure the LGBT community knows these hateful acts don't represent the feelings of everyone out there, and they have the support of so many people in this world willing to stand with them against acts of bullying and intolerance."