The Mortal Kombat series, known for its gory fatalities and ultraviolet combat, has introduced its first gay fighting character reports Kotaku. Former thief turned Shaolin monk Kung Jin, cousin of series staple Kung Lao, hinted at his sexuality during a discussion in the game with fellow series staple Raiden about joining the White Lotus Society like his cousin Kung Lao. Despite Raiden’s urgings about joining the secret society, Jin says that he, "Can't…They won’t accept…" with the thunder god comforting the thief saying, "They care about only what is in your heart; not whom your heart desires."
NetherRealm Studios Cinematic Director Dominic Cianciolo confirmed Jin’s orientation in a tweet saying "I see people are picking up on the subtle exposition contained in Kung Jin’s flashback. Glad we have observant fans!" The latest iteration in the Mortal Kombat series, Mortal Kombat X, released on Tuesday.
You can watch the scene in question, AFTER THE JUMP…