Ever wondered what some of your favorite celebrities would look like with ginger locks? Wonder no more, thanks to the Instagram and Tumblr account, @putarangonit. As The Daily What explains, "'Ranga' is an Australian term for someone with red hair, hence the name, and each caption incorporates the word into the star’s name."
Check out 12 more pics of famous faces transformed into "rangas", AFTER THE JUMP…
And check out all the ginger-fied pics from Put A Rang On It, HERE.
Which is your favorite?
1. "Ja’mie Rang" or "Down Unda' Ginga'"
2. "Rangdy Cohen" or "Ginger Happens Live"
3. "Sarang Jessica Parker" or "Girls Just Wanna Go Ginga'"
4. "Jarang Leto" or "The Joker Ginger"
5. "Mitchell Pritchett & Camerang Tucker" or "The Dynamic Ginger Duo"
6. "Robert Pattirang" or "Vampire Ginger"
7. "Chrang Hemsworth" or "Tho-red"
8. "Conchita Wurangst" or "The Ginger-Beard"
9. "Rangdonna" or "Madg-inger"
10. "Ranging Tatum" or "Magic Ginge"
11. "Hugh Jackrang" or "The Red Wolverine"
12. "Don Drangper" or "Mad About Red Men"