Celine Dion has a new gender neutral children's clothing line, and the ad introducing it is…unconventional to say the least.
In the ad, a high-fashion Celine waxes philosophical as she travels via Escalade to a maternity ward where she enters a room of pink and blue-clad infants. She then blows a handful of black confetti over the newborns, presumably busting them out of their predetermined gender roles as the blue and pink outfits are gone and replaced by black and white non-gendered outfits – and surrounded by odd, stuffed monsters. The outcome feels oddly sinister as does Celine's expression. Celine is then chased and tackled by security guards before being cuffed and hauled off to jail while playing the celebrity card – ‘I'm Celine Dion!'.
Says Celine in the narration: Our children. They are not really our children. as we are all just links in a never-ending chain that is life. For us, they are everything. But in reality, we are only a fraction of their universe. We miss the past. They dream of tomorrow. We may thrust them forward into the future. But the course will always be theirs to choose.”