An ex-priest who married a male model 50 years younger than him says separating from his partner would be like “losing a leg.” Philip Clements, 80, has been back together with Florin Marin, 25, for seven months after they separated after Marin cheated on Clements shortly after getting married.
Gay Star News said, “Clements revealed Marin wouldn’t let him go clubbing with his friends and was always out of the house. He became lonely because he didn’t know the Romanian language or have any friends. But more than a year on, they’re now back together, according to The Sun.”
“I love him to bits, if we were permanently separated, I would be the most unhappy person in the world.” Clements told Kent Online.
Clements added, “Two people who marry each other and who are exactly the same in temperament and character it must be dull. We are not dull.”
An Instagram post by Marin yesterday seems to confirm they are indeed back together.
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