It’s on again! A coalition of over 40 wingnut organizations lead by the American Family Association gives new ultimatum to Ford, lists verbal agreements the automaker supposedly gave the anti-gay wingnuts. Wildmon: “We can not, and will not, sit by as Ford supports an agenda aimed at the destruction of the family.”
GLAAD: Gene Shalit regrets calling Brokeback‘s Jack Twist a “sexual predator”: “In describing the behavior of ‘Jack’ I used words (‘sexual predator’) that I now discover have angered, agitated, and hurt many people. I did not intend to use a word that many in the gay community consider incendiary. Baron Lytton wrote in 1839 that ‘the pen is mightier than the sword,’ and this matter proves again how hurtful words can be. I very much regret using them. The GLAAD website carried an assertion that instead of reviewing “Brokeback Mountain”, which is my job, I “used the occasion to promote defamatory anti-gay prejudice to a national audience.” This is untrue. It is unfair to me and must be corrected. Everything in my life and in my family’s life demonstrates beyond doubt that I am not homophobic. Indeed, the contrary is true, and everyone who knows me knows it.”
This year’s Darwin Awards.
Teabag torture: varsity wrestlers expelled over testicle hazing. “The older boys pulled the freshmen, one by one, to the back of the bus. While two boys held down a victim, the third shoved his testicles in the victim’s face.”