Love lost out: 1,300 “ex-gays” and supporters to gather in St. Louis.
Hartwick College Varsity Lacrosse players force rookies to strip naked and drink a keg of beer. Team suspended.
Torino is one of the most gay-friendly cities in Italy, and in June will “reclaim its gay pride heritage on a scale that could match its grand baroque architecture.” On June 10 the city will host a national pride celebration with a film festival and sports competition leading up to it, according to the SF Chronicle:
“Turin’s role as a focal point of Italian gay culture is one of the many surprises visitors are discovering about a place rarely visited by outsiders until the Olympics arrived. Unlike some of the city’s other secret charms, such as its penchant for chocolate and fine Piedmont cuisine, Turin’s vibrant gay life is hardly being advertised by the city’s Olympic ringleaders.” The article also notes that Turin is one of the least Catholic cities in Italy.
“Call to Duty Tour” of Operation Iraqi Freedom Vets, discharged gay service members, and members of the U.S. Intelligence Committee start tour of colleges, fed up with military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. Tour founder: “There has been a generational change since 1993 when this policy was last debated on a national level. Times have changed, and I think it’s about damn time that this policy changes too.”