“Mystery illness” plaguing Aussie Olympian Ian Thorpe's return to the pool: “Thorpe, 23, has been tested for chronic fatigue syndrome, glandular fever and whooping cough as doctors search for the cause of bronchitis-like symptoms that the swimmer has been unable to shake off for more than two weeks.”
The U.S. Episcopal church has seen more than three dozen congregations split from it over the ordination of openly gay Bishop Gene Robinson, who is currently in rehab for alcoholism. Twelve of those splits have happened since the first of the year. Now, as two additional openly gay priests are considered as Bishops in California, the Church wonders if the rebellion will continue.
Fan offers hotel $1,700 for David Beckham's bathrobe. Hotel says no.
IRS tells domestic partners in California they cannot file joint income tax returns.
The Wandsworth borough of London is a gay marriage magnet.
John Travolta and Queen Latifah to star as Edna Turnblad and Motormouth Maybelle in the Hairspray movie, a movie musical based on a play based on a movie.
A visit to the press teaser for Dreamgirls.
Gays in India not happy about Bush visit: “A group of gay activists in Delhi is organizing a “queer protest” because Bush's abstinence-based funding has hurt HIV/AIDS work. When it comes to homophobia, says the group, the USA and Axis-of-Evil member Iran are sisters under the skin.”
Dennis Rodman hangs at Splash in New York with a gang of “colorful cohorts.”