UPDATE: Vanished victim in Savannah gay bar attack has felony warrants in three states; soldier attackers (one pictured here) say the victim, David Bennett, stole one of their wallets; heavy drinking alleged by all involved.
Provincetown murderer Nathaniel Miksch sentenced to life in prison for the 2003 murder of Timothy Maguire. Miksch had strangled Maguire and stuffed the body in a closet for three days before it was discovered. In the meantime, Miksch continued to pursue meth-fueled internet sex hook-ups while Maguire's dead body rotted just yards away. Miksch had also cut off his victim's arm, a detail that the judge excluded as evidence in the trial which would have most likely resulted in a non-parole first degree conviction.
Britain's Environment Minister Ben Bradshaw will be the first MP to hold a civil partnership ceremony when he marries his partner BBC Newsnight journalist Neal Dalgleish in June.
Provincetown couple to join LOGO reality series. Larger pic of Joe here…
Syphillis rates soar among gay men in Minnesota.
Judy Weider, longtime editorial director of Out and The Advocate, is leaving her position.
China censored Ang Lee's Oscar acceptance speech in order to excise any reference to gays or Taiwan, both of which the country's leaders want to pretend don't exist. If you'll remember, Ang said, “They taught all of us who made Brokeback Mountain so much about not just all the gay men and women whose love is denied by society, but just as important, the greatness of love itself.” (thanks Dan)