Report: Gay Greek man told to complete a six-month psychiatric course if he wants a drivers license.
More news from the progressive state of Tennessee. A State Representative, Debra Maggart, recently emailed a Vanderbilt masters student in regard to a gay adoption bill that legislators in that state are considering. Maggot made the ridiculous claim that gays adopt so they can have a child to sexually abuse: “We also have seen evidence that homosexual couples prey on young males and have, in some instances, adopted them in order to have unfretted access to subject them to a life of molestation and sexual abuse.” According to WTVF Nashville, she also said that “most homosexual couples have numerous emotional dysfunctions and psychological issues that may not be healthy for children.” She claims her information comes from the ACLU and Focus on the Family.
STUDY: 25% of young gay men in Northern Ireland attempt suicide. “A quarter had attempted suicide; over two thirds thought about taking their own lives while four out of five who had suicidal thoughts indicated they were related to same sex attraction. Among the key factors which contributed to suicidal thoughts and self harm were homonegative experiences in school, bullying, homophobia from other pupils and neighbours.”